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                                  But she saw them making mental notes of what she wore, and
                            for some reason this quite “put her about”. For once in her life when
                            she wasn’t wearing what everybody else did, she reflected, she didn’t
                            see why everybody else should want to wear what she did.
                                  “Gilbert,”  said  she,  quite  sharply  for  her,  “next  time  you’re
                            designing dresses for me I wish you’d design things that people can’t
                                  “The only way to do that is to design things that only you can
                                  “Can’t you do that?”
                                  “Yes, if you’ll do something for me.”
                                  “What is it?”
                                  “Cut off your hair.”
                                  I  think  this  was  the  first  time  that  Jane  jibbed.  Her  hair  was
                            long and thick, and as a girl she had been quite vain of it; to cut it off
                            was  a  very  drastic  proceeding.  This  really  was  burning  her  boats
                            behind her. In her case it was not the first step that cost so much, it
                            was the last; but she took it (“I know Marion will think me a perfect
                            fool, and I shall never be able to go Liverpool again ,” she said), and
                            when they passed through Paris  on their way  home Gilbert  led  her
                            (she  felt  quite  sick,  her  heart  was  beating  so  fast)  to  the  best
                            hairdresser  in  the  world.  She  came  out  of  his  shop  with  a  jaunty,
                            saucy, impudent head of crisp grey curls. Pygmalion had finished his
                            fantastic masterpiece: Galatea was come to life.
                                  “Yes,” I said, “but that isn’t enough to explain why Jane is here
                            to-night  amid  this  crowd  of  duchesses,  cabinet  ministers  and  such
                            like; nor why she is sitting on one side of her host with an admiral of
                            the Fleet on the other.”
                                  “Jane is a humorist,” said Mrs. Tower. “Didn’t you see them all
                            laughing at what she said?”
                                  There  was  no  doubt  now  of  the  bitterness  in  Mrs.  Tower’s
                                  “When  Jane  wrote  and  told  me  they  were  back  from  their
                            honeymoon I thought I must ask them both to dinner. I didn’t much
                            like the idea, but I felt it had to be done. I knew the party would be
                            deadly and I wasn’t going to sacrifice any of the people who really
                            mattered. On the other hand I didn’t want Jane to think I hadn’t any

                              to go Liverpool again – повернутися до провінційного стилю одягу
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