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                                  Just as this mood began to creep over him a disquieting story
                            reached his ear. His Aunt Edna, a woman just this side of forty, was
                            carrying  on  an  open  intrigue  with  a  dissolute,  hard-drinking  young
                            man named Gary Sloane. Every one knew of it except Anson's Uncle
                            Robert, who for fifteen years had talked long in clubs and taken his
                            wife for granted.
                                  Anson  heard  the  story  again  and  again  with  increasing
                            annoyance. Something of his old feeling for his uncle came back to
                            him, a feeling that was more than personal, a reversion toward that
                            family  solidarity  on  which  he  had  based  his  pride.  His  intuition
                            singled out the essential point of the affair, which was that his uncle
                            shouldn't be hurt. It was his first experiment in unsolicited meddling,
                            but  with  his  knowledge  of  Edna's  character  he  felt  that  he  could
                            handle the matter better than a district judge or his uncle.
                                  His uncle was in Hot Springs. Anson traced down the sources
                            of the scandal so that there should be no possibility of mistake and
                            then he called Edna and asked her to lunch with him at the Plaza next
                            day.  Something  in  his  tone  must  have  frightened  her,  for  she  was
                            reluctant, but he insisted, putting off the date until she had no excuse
                            for refusing.
                                    She  met  him  at  the  appointed  time  in  the  Plaza  lobby,  a
                            lovely, faded, gray-eyed blonde in a coat of Russian sable. Five great
                            rings,  cold  with  diamonds  and  emeralds,  sparkled  on  her  slender
                            hands. It occurred to Anson that it was his  father's intelligence and
                            not  his  uncle's  that  had  earned  the  fur  and  the  stones,  the  rich
                            brilliance that buoyed up her passing beauty.
                                  Though Edna scented his hostility, she was unprepared for the
                            directness of his approach.
                                  "Edna, I'm astonished at the way you've been acting," he said in
                            a strong, frank voice. "At first I couldn't believe it."
                                  "Believe what?" she demanded sharply.
                                  "You  needn't  pretend  with  me,  Edna.  I'm  talking  about  Gary
                            Sloane. Aside from any other consideration, I didn't think you could
                            treat Uncle Robert  -"
                                    "Now  look  here,  Anson-"  she  began  angrily,  but  his
                            peremptory voice broke through hers:
                                  "-  and  your  children  in  such  a  way.  You've  been  married
                            eighteen years, and you're old enough to know better." "You can't talk
                            to me like that! You - "
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