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                            12. Henry got to know who Portia’s father was.

                            3. Get ready to transcribe and give equivalents to the following words.
                            1.  ragged       6.  vault        11. riddle      16. makeshift
                            2.  shabby       7.  worship      12. enclose     17. eternally
                            3.  shelter      8.  proprietor   13. misfit      18. celebrity
                            4.  gutter       9.  trifle       14. reject      19. outfit
                            5.  issue        10. pauper       15. dive        20. frame

                            4.Reproduce  the situations where the following is used.
                            1.  to  have  nothing  to  depend  19. to  come  into  possession  of
                                upon;                            smth;
                            2.  public transaction;           20. to give in;
                            3.  to lay in the vaults;         21. to  put  smb  to  the  trouble  of
                            4.  to account for;                  doing smth;
                            5.  to starve to death;           22.  on the contrary;
                            6.  to answer the requirements;   23. to make a dive;
                            7.  to take smb up;               24. an unspeakable suit;
                            8.  to be out of sight;           25. to drive smb away;
                            9.  to take a glimpse;            26. to tell smb from smb;
                            10. to make one’s head swim;      27. to make to order;
                            11. to raise one’s eyes;          28. to change one’s quarters;
                            12. to move hend or foot;         29.  to drop in;
                            13. to break the bill;            30. to force loans upon smb;
                            14. to let the account run;       31. to clerk on a salary;
                            15. to play jokes on the public;   32. to pull every wire;
                            16. to put smth out of sight;     33. to find an interest in smb;
                            17. to lose one’s mind;           34. to have the heart to do smth;
                            18. to have a bet on smb;         35. to be above reproach

                            5.Answer the following questions.
                            1.  How did Henry get to London?
                            2.  Why did Henry go to London?
                            3.  What were the £ 1,000,000 bamknotes used for?
                            4.  Who bought the banknote?
                            5.  What was the subject of the brothers’ dispute?
                            6.  What were the brothers’ requirements?
                            7.  Why were the brothers not afraid to give the note to Henry?
                            8.  What reward was promised to Henry  if he helped to win the bet?
                            9.  What might have happened if Henry had gone to the bank?
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