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P. 57
Assignment to Chapter 26: Nocturnal Adventure
1. Find answers to the following questions.
1. What did Bobby worry about?
2. Where did he go?
3. Who did Bobby see inside the Grange?
4. How did the man look like?
5. What happened when Bobby climbed the tree?
6. What happened after Bobby came out of his hiding place?
2. Pay attention to the following notes to understand the text better.
Emphatically (p. 121): expressed or spoken with emphasis
Reconnaissance (p. 123): an observation of territory such as that of
the enemy
3. Make sure to know the following items:
to elapse, an intruder, to hoist, precisely, a crack.
4. Find the English equivalents. Use them in your own sentences or in their
абсолютна правда, захисні окуляри, покірний, зловісний,
5. Reproduce the situations where the following is used:
p. 121 to jump to conclusion
to slip inside
p. 123 to gain an admission
to promise a means of access
6. Transcribe the following words:
nocturnal, a cheetah, a reconnaissance, a bough, a hydrangea, a
7. Retell the whole story as Bobby.