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39 What have you done to further Because my professional field is
your education since your changing constantly, I’ve done quite a
graduation? bit to keep up with the latest changes in
technology. I’m on the most recent
upgrades in PC programming, I
attended all the seminars related to my
speciality. In addition, I keep up with
the trends in our field by reading
journal articles.
40 With the market place as I speak, read and write Russian fluently
global as it is these days, a and I also have a working knowledge
knowledge of a foreign of Polish.
language is helpful. Are you
familiar with any foreign
languages except English?
41 In your last position, what My first big accomplishments were
were your three biggest convincing the owner that
accomplishments? computerizing his records would be a
great timesaver. He had never touched
a computer before, and I succeeded in
teaching him not to be afraid of its
power. My second accomplishment
was getting through my first year with
a 50% decrease in staff turnover. And
my third accomplishment was finishing
my master’s degree while working full
time. I maintained a 4.8 average in
university and never missed a day of
42 What are you making in your My base pay is $200,00 per month.
current positiom?
43 If you were to rank the Financial remuneration is important,
importance of salary on a but other factors, such as job
scale of 1 – 10, what ranking satisfaction and corporate culture are
would you give it? important as well. I’d rank salary at a
44 Do you have a valid driver’s Yes, I have a valid driver’s license. In
license? addition, I have a spotless driving